Catholic Homeschool Essentials

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Vital lessons and indispensable tools you were never taught in school... drastically improve the quality of your Catholic homeschool experience!
“I am maybe a third of the way through your course and I had to stop and thank you.  I can’t believe I have gotten to the age of 36 without learning any of this coaching and thought work! I recently have been drowning in the negative thoughts, thinking they are true, have to be true- thank you for leading me to think otherwise. We are foster parents, and I’ve been wanting to quit but I’m hoping your course will redeem the work God has for us, so you are not only saving me, my family, but hopefully saving our foster child from having to move to another family! Thank you for your fiat and for putting this course together!! I would have continued to be lost in the pit without it!!!”

- Jennifer, Foster Mama

Regardless of whether you're a veteran homeschooler, or just getting started, there are three main areas that Catholic homeschoolers struggle with the most:

Your children's behavior...
...attitudes, effort, choices.
Time management...
...too much to do, not enough time or consistency.

Your own doubts and negative self-talk...
...I'm not enough.

You just need the tools and skills to educate your unique children at home calmly and confidently.

"What Emily has provided in the Catholic Homeschool Essentials Course is an invaluable opportunity for a major turning point in your homeschool, your family, and for yourself as you live out your vocation. This has been an incredible blessing from God, instilling so much HOPE that I really can make the changes God is calling me to, allowing more of His grace to flow through me and into my family, which is already bringing about a new level of peace for me!"
-Gina, Mama of 4

The course includes:


Self-Paced Content

Pre-recorded lessons to watch at your own pace for a deep dive introduction to 8 Essential Tools and Skills that will help you THINK BETTER, FEEL BETTER, and DO BETTER in your Catholic homeschooling life. 


Workbook and Prayer

Practice your new knowledge with a carefully cultivated workbook that will facilitate a conversation with you and the Lord. You'll also get a special prayer written just for Catholic homeschooling mothers and 30 New Thoughts to Think to implement your new skills.


Workshop Replay

Work with me step-by-step to create your own unique healthy boundaries with a replay of a Happy, Holy Mama Monthly Homeschool Strategy Workshop to start protecting your peace right away.

 Here's what you'll get: 

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A Deep Dive Introduction to
8 Essential Life Coaching Tools steeped in our rich Catholic faith to:

Take negative thoughts captive and filter them through the Holy Spirit in the middle of a hectic day.

Regulate negative emotions so they don’t keep you stuck.

Create healthy boundaries that protect your peace so you can handle whatever is going on around you.

Steward the precious time God gives you efficiently so you get the most important things done.

And teach your children how to set and achieve their own goals, so it’s not all on you. 

+ Workbook
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PLUS BONUS Resources!
BONUS! 30 New Thoughts to Think

BONUS! NEW Litany for Homeschool Mothers

BONUS! Workshop Replay to Master Creating Healthy Boundaries!

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All for a one time payment of $197

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"I can truly say that in taking this course, my eyes have been opened to completely new ways of thinking, processing emotion, and a whole shift in my mindself when approaching all of the facets of my life. Not only does Emily reveal to us priceless wisdom and insight regarding where our struggles originate with so much compassion and gentleness, but she gives us practical tools and concrete examples so we can begin applying these strategies to the very specific areas we need help in right now."
- Gina, Mama of 4

Once you've learned these vital lessons...'ll have the knowledge and tools you need to:

Calm down faster without overreacting.
Think more clearly without getting overwhelmed.
Connect more deeply to create lasting relationships within your family.
Let your yes mean yes and your no mean no.
Feel more confident in what the Lord is asking you to do each day and to actually do it!
Get the most important things done every day.
Stop measuring your success by the world's standards.
"Emily masterfully shows us what's going on underneath the turmoil, but then provides the space and opportunity in the accompanying workbook to allow the Holy Spirit to guide the process for each of us individually. I'm seeing the fruit of this work immediately! I have not once felt overwhelmed, but so inspired and excited to practice these strategies and get to work, and I'm seeing how naturally they can be implemented right in the moment of a busy day when you need them most."
- Gina, Mama of 4

Get started now with the
Catholic Homeschool Essentials Course

to enjoy your kids and homeschool journey calmly and confidently.

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The Catholic Homeschool Essentials Course

Click here to make your one time payment:
You can apply this purchase to your Lifetime Membership of Happy, Holy Mama at any time!

Catholic Homeschool Essentials 
is right for you if...

You feel like you have a good foundation for your homeschool and are ready to take it to the next level.
You've heard the call from God to homeschool your children and just need a little help to get organized.
You want an introduction to life coaching tools steeped in our rich Catholic faith to enjoy your children more.
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Catholic Homeschool Essentials

Here's what you get:

☑️Self-paced lessons and workbook to learn the 8 Essential tools and skills that can drastically improve the quality of your Catholic homeschool experience.

☑️BONUS! Litany for Homeschool Mothers

☑️BONUS! 30 New Thoughts to Think

☑️BONUS! Workshop replay to master Creating Healthy Boundaries!

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By purchasing this product, you agree to accept the terms of service.
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"Emily truly wants each mama to live out her individual calling according to God's will, and Catholic Homeschool Essentials is a perfect way to receive the aid you may need in overcoming obstacles and staying focused on what matters most--becoming a saint through our God-given vocation!"
- Gina, Mama of 4
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I've answered the most common questions about the Catholic Homeschool Essential Course below; for any others,
please get in touch.

How long do I have access to the Catholic Homeschool Essentials course?
Forever! Once you've purchased the Catholic Homeschool Essentials course, you have immediate access to the Course Portal for life!
Does the course come with Coaching?
Catholic Homeschool Essentials is a stand alone course that does not include coaching, live workshops, or community app. If you're looking for coaching, community support, and mentorship, please join the Happy, Holy Mama Membership!
Can I apply my purchase of the Catholic Homeschool Essentials course if I decide to join the Happy, Holy Mama Membership later?
Absolutely! The Catholic Homeschool Essentials course is a deep dive introduction to eight of the most essential lessons in the Happy, Holy Mama Member Portal. To get the full, extensive library of content, Put Your Life in Right Order Planner, have tailored support from a certified Catholic life coach, and Catholic homeschool community, then you can easily apply your purchase of the Catholic Homeschool Essentials course to your purchase of your Lifetime Membership to Happy, Holy Mama next!
Are there refunds?
Because you get immediate access to the entire Catholic Homeschool Essentials course and materials, this purchase is non-refundable. However, if at any point you're unhappy with the Course, I encourage you to reach out to me to arrange a time to talk about your experience and see how I can serve you best.
Is this course appropriate for non-homeschoolers?
While the content in the course is geared specifically toward a Catholic homeschooling lifestyle, the content and tools inside are applicable to and can serve anyone. 
Have more questions?
If you have more questions that are not answered here, please email me at and I will respond shortly.
Copyright 2023  | Fiat Life Coaching